[rabbitmq-discuss] I am stuck with "A cluster on a single machine" explained in https://www.rabbitmq.com/clustering.html

Matthias Radestock matthias at rabbitmq.com
Tue May 20 09:25:26 BST 2014

On 20/05/14 08:04, Michael Klishin wrote:
>   On 20 May 2014 at 09:16:13, Sunny Dyal (sunny.dyal at gmail.com) wrote:
>>> How a single configuration file work for multiple nodes. Do
>> we need to use any command line parameter to specify config file?
> The config needs to be installed on all nodes. When running N nodes
> on a single machine, override config file location and use N separate
> config files with different ports.

or you could just specify the stomp config on the command line...

$ rabbitmq-server -detached
RABBITMQ_SERVER_START_ARGS="-rabbitmq_stomp tcp_listeners [61614]" 
rabbitmq-server -detached
RABBITMQ_SERVER_START_ARGS="-rabbitmq_stomp tcp_listeners [61615]" 
rabbitmq-server -detached



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