[rabbitmq-discuss] Can't reject messages to DLX unless first published to an exchange

Simon MacMullen simon at rabbitmq.com
Mon May 19 17:12:29 BST 2014

On 19/05/2014 17:06, Fredrik Sörensson (Fredrik 
Sorensson/STO/Fritidsresor) wrote:
> So it seems a message can only be backed out to a dead letter exchange
> if it at one point in time has been published to an exchange. Is this
> the intended behavior? Or could it be an artefact of the Perl library
> I’m using?

No, that's not how it's meant to work. But I doubt there's a bug in this 

Probably the problem that you have is that when the message is dead 
lettered it is published to the DLX with its original routing key - I 
would guess that when publishing via an exchange you are using a routing 
key that is also bound on the DLX. Does that sound plausible?

If this is the problem, you might find that the 
x-dead-letter-routing-key argument is the solution.

Cheers, Simon

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