[rabbitmq-discuss] Monitoring delivery of async messages

Billy Stack bs.stack at gmail.com
Mon May 19 09:06:11 BST 2014


I have a question in relation to monitoring of async messages.

We have a "web application" where performance in very important, where 
rabbitmq messages are published to the broker.
Due to the importance of performance, we do not have any "acking" going on 
- so all messages are effectively "fire and forget"

We have a "reporting application" that subscribes to the messages and 
creates reports.
The problem is that these reports are also critical - i.e. we cannot afford 
to have messages that go missing/get dropped etc

So the question I have is how do we go about monitoring the all message 
data is in the reporting application i.e. what do people usually do in a 
scenario like this?

We were thinking of writing a database script that looks at the database of 
the "web application" and "reporting application" and compares results - 
but this certainly does not feel right!
Should we monitor at all?

Any help appreciated.

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