[rabbitmq-discuss] Memory leak in STOMP connector or federation?

Tomas Doran bobtfish at bobtfish.net
Fri May 16 23:09:02 BST 2014

On May 16, 2014, at 5:02 PM, Simon MacMullen <simon at rabbitmq.com> wrote:

> On 16/05/14 16:24, Tomas Doran wrote:
>> I’ve attached the rabbitmqctl report in the hope that someone with
>> more clues than me will be able to read the runes better and point
>> out what may be wrong or give me any hints for how to further
>> investigate.
> That definitely looks wrong!
> Initial suspicion should fall on the management database since your queues are all empty and there shouldn't be a lot of other state anywhere. What happens if you invoke:
> $ rabbitmqctl eval 'application:stop(rabbitmq_management),application:start(rabbitmq_management).’

Exactly nothing.

Testing on an instance that’s currently using 5.9Gb before I restart it:

 - Nothing logged
 - No change in memory use in the management console.

On the off chance, I also tried stopping and starting rabbitmq_federation, and similarly saw no changes.

I then restarted rabbitmq_stomp, and bingo - memory use has dropped to 225Mb (at the penalty of having bounced ~400 clients).

So I assume that this indicates the STOMP adaptor is somehow leaking memory?


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