[rabbitmq-discuss] Consumer get blocked after all connections exhausted.

Timon Wang timon86.wang at gmail.com
Fri May 16 02:42:32 BST 2014

It seems that Consumer will get blocked after all connections exhausted.
Some rabbitmqctl commands such as `rabbitmqctl list_queues` and
`rabbitmqctl list_consumers` will get stucked as well.

Here is an example to demonstrate that:
After all connections are exhausted, consumer will get blocked after
several seconds, `rabbitmqadmin list queues` will indicate that there was
unacknowledged messages in the queue:

| vhost |   name    | auto_delete | consumer_utilisation | consumers |
durable | exclusive_consumer_tag |  memory  | messages | messages_ready |
messages_unacknowledged |       node       | policy |  state  |
| /     | test.msgs | False       | 0.105861902008       | 1         | True
   |                        | 74966600 | 46906    | 45664          | 1242
                 | rabbit at localhost |        | running |

I've tried Python kombu library with both pyamqp and librabbitmq as
transport driver.

Am I doing something wrong? Or is it a expected behavior?

My environment

Server side:
CentOS 6.3 64bit
RabbitMQ: 3.3.1

Client side:
CentOS 6.3 64bit
Python 2.7.6
Kombu 3.0.16

Thanks in advance.

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