[rabbitmq-discuss] Configuration Win7 and Redhat(VM)

Jonathan Kallner Jonathank at mdg.co.il
Thu May 15 15:02:15 BST 2014

I'm new at RabbitMQ and I would appreciate very much your help.

I'm am working on a system with 2 machine connected.
One machine is Win7 OS and the other one is RedHat OS installed on a virtual machine.
( The host computer for the second unit is also Win7).

I managed to install on both machine RabbitMQ and the shovel plugin.
I can work with the Web-UI plugin in both computers,
And I get also a ping from the Redhat VM to the Win7.

Both computer are on the same network.
The Redhat VM has a static ip.

My question is how do I configure each computer ?

1. The Win7 is a client
2. The RedHat is a server.

I need to open a new connection between both the computers.



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