[rabbitmq-discuss] Phantom consumers

Simon MacMullen simon at rabbitmq.com
Thu May 15 11:33:56 BST 2014

On 14/05/14 13:53, Sam Morrison wrote:
> Hi,
> We've got 2 3 node rabbit clusters, one using 3.1.3 and one using 3.3.0.
> We mirror all queues.
> Every so often we get queues filling up in the unacked counters. When we
> investigate we see the queue has 2 consumers both from the same client
> address.
> One consumer links back to a connection that doesn't exist on the client
> or the server.

When you say "a connection that doesn't exist", how are you verifying 
this? What does mgmt show?

My suspicion is that somehow the connection still does exist, at least 
from the server's perspective.

Cheers, Simon

> If we stop the client one of the consumers goes away but we are still
> left with a phantom one.
> The only way we have been able to fix this is by deleting the queue and
> restarting the client.
> While it is in this state the client doesn't get any messages.
> This happens with both our clusters.
> Anyone else seeing this or know what the issue is?

Simon MacMullen
RabbitMQ, Pivotal

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