[rabbitmq-discuss] Writes to Rabbit Occasionally Hang Indefinitely

Michael Klishin mklishin at gopivotal.com
Tue May 13 15:13:20 BST 2014

On 8 May 2014 at 12:12:27, Jeffrey Doto (jeffdoto at gmail.com) wrote:
> > Is this still indicative of the socketWrite timeout issue you  
> referred me to in your last response, or could this be something  
> else? Is there more data you’d like to see that could help diagnose  
> this further?

No, I was referring to https://github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-java-client/issues/11,
where the key issue is that socket input stream writes block forever
when TCP connection is lost before write finishes.

> Are there any plans to fix https://github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-java-client/issues/11  
> soon? There’s not another more recent version of rabbit we could  
> upgrade to that would help us, is there?

It would be a pretty substantial change to the Java client. There are no
plans to do this in the next few months.

suggests a hacky but seemingly functional workaround.

Software Engineer, Pivotal/RabbitMQ

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