[rabbitmq-discuss] amqp error involving “unexpected frame”

Jason Novotny jason.novotny at gmail.com
Wed May 7 00:07:15 BST 2014


I'm trying to load test an application that uses Celery task management
with RabbitMQ as the broker. I hit my server with 100 client connections
and for the first 45 minutes everything is humming along fine. At some
point later, I see the clery tasks are not running and I see these
messages in my celery log file:

    [2014-05-06 18:32:14,405: ERROR/MainProcess] consumer: Cannot
connect to amqp://guest@ [Errno 111] Connection refused.
    Trying again in 32.00 seconds...

I check my RabbitMQ log file and see these messages:

    =INFO REPORT==== 6-May-2014::18:25:50 ===
    accepting AMQP connection <0.9738.30> ( ->

    =ERROR REPORT==== 6-May-2014::18:25:50 ===
    closing AMQP connection <0.25069.29> ( ->
                             "type 1, first 16 octets =        

    =WARNING REPORT==== 6-May-2014::18:25:50 ===
    Mnesia('rabbit at ip-172-31-45-115'): ** WARNING ** Mnesia is
overloaded: {dump_log,

    =INFO REPORT==== 6-May-2014::18:25:51 ===
    accepting AMQP connection <0.19640.30> ( ->

Any ideas on what is going on? I don't understand what AMQP unexpected
frame means.

Thanks, Jason
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