[rabbitmq-discuss] Rabbitmq cluster design and HA

srikanth tns srikanthtns at gmail.com
Mon May 5 18:15:53 BST 2014

here is the settings we have now on rabbitmq

Memory and Disk settings:
{rabbit, [{reverse_dns_lookups,
0.8},{vm_memory_high_watermark, 0.7},{disk_free_limit, 1000000000}]}

HA queues : we made ha-mode=exactly with 2 nodes

2 DISC , 1 RAM

OS level changes : we made /var diskspace to 20G and ulimit open files to

Are these changes good enough for better performance ? Also I noticed in
the management UI , the listconnections does not show the connections
status as running or blocked , it just shows blank ? does it mean something

On Fri, May 2, 2014 at 6:41 AM, Matthias Radestock <matthias at rabbitmq.com>wrote:

> On 02/05/14 14:34, Michael Klishin wrote:
>> I would still start with 2 disk nodes.
> ...and I wouldn't touch the memory watermark settings unless
> experimentation shows that even in extreme usage scenarios memory is
> underutilised.
> Matthias.
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