[rabbitmq-discuss] RabbitMQ 3.3.0 doesn't working with OpenLDAP ????

Ngọc Tăng Văn ngoc.tang at quant-edge.com
Fri May 2 07:35:15 BST 2014

Dear Simon
I have use other way to convert usernames into DNs

> {rabbitmq_auth_backend_ldap,
> [ {servers, ["openldap.com"]},
> {user_dn_pattern, "cn=${username},dc=openldap,dc=com"},
> {dn_lookup_base, "dc=openldap,dc=com"},
> {other_bind, 
> {"cn=manager,cn=internal,dc=openldap,dc=com","Ad09DSJwidjdwf89D"}},
> {use_ssl, false},
> {port, 389},
> {log, network},
> {tag_queries, [{administrator, {constant, true}},
> {management, {constant, true}}]}
> ]
> }

I am try to login, And this is the log file

> Server startup complete; 10 plugins started.
> * amqp_client
> * eldap
> * mochiweb
> * rabbitmq_auth_backend_ldap
> * rabbitmq_auth_mechanism_ssl
> * rabbitmq_federation_management
> * rabbitmq_management
> * rabbitmq_management_agent
> * rabbitmq_web_dispatch
> * webmachine =INFO REPORT==== 2-May-2014::13:28:41 ===
> LDAP CHECK: login for ngoc.tang =INFO REPORT==== 2-May-2014::13:28:41 ===
> LDAP filling template "cn=${username},dc=openldap,dc=com" with
> [{username,<<"ngoc.tang">>}] =INFO REPORT==== 2-May-2014::13:28:41 ===
> LDAP template result: "cn=ngoc.tang,dc=openldap,dc=com" =INFO REPORT==== 
> 2-May-2014::13:28:41 ===
> LDAP connecting to servers: ["openldap.com"] =INFO REPORT==== 
> 2-May-2014::13:28:41 ===
> LDAP network traffic: bind request = {'BindRequest',3,
> "cn=ngoc.tang,dc=openldap,dc=com",
> {simple,<<"Pa$$w0rd">>}} =INFO REPORT==== 2-May-2014::13:28:41 ===
> LDAP network traffic: bind reply = {ok,
> {'LDAPMessage',1,
> {bindResponse,
> {'BindResponse',invalidCredentials,
> [],[],asn1_NOVALUE,asn1_NOVALUE}},
> asn1_NOVALUE}} =INFO REPORT==== 2-May-2014::13:28:41 ===
> LDAP bind returned "invalid credentials": cn=ngoc.tang,dc=openldap,dc=com =INFO 
> REPORT==== 2-May-2014::13:28:41 ===
> LDAP DECISION: login for ngoc.tang: denied =ERROR REPORT==== 
> 2-May-2014::13:28:41 ===
> webmachine error: path="/api/whoami"
> "Unauthorized"

I have try to resolve this problem, but isn't result
Thanks & Best Regards
Ngoc Tang 
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