[rabbitmq-discuss] Reliable delivery via exclusive queues
Brian Reischl
breischl at gmail.com
Mon Mar 31 16:15:33 BST 2014
Mostly for convenience. I wanted to use anonymous (autonamed) queues, but
not have to worry about cleaning them up later. *Auto-delete* might also
fit the bill, but seems to have the same problems as *exclusive* as far as
I can tell. I'm also just curious if I'm right about the behavior of *exclusive,
*because if so it seems like a feature that should be used only rarely and
very carefully.
I'm thinking I might instead implement a naming scheme for the consumers,
and use the *x-expires* argument to have the queues clean themselves up
after perhaps 1 hour or so.
On Monday, March 31, 2014 9:06:55 AM UTC-6, Alvaro Videla wrote:
> Hi,
> Why do you need the queue to be exclusive? Perhaps you want exclusive
> consumers?
> http://www.rabbitmq.com/amqp-0-9-1-reference.html#basic.consume.exclusive
> Regards,
> Alvaro
> On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 4:49 PM, Brian Reischl <brei... at gmail.com<javascript:>>
> wrote:
> > I'm looking at using queues with the exclusive option for distributing
> > configuration updates in my application. However, I'm worried that using
> the
> > exclusive option makes the queue unreliable in the event of transient
> > network problems. My thinking is that if the connection drops, then the
> > queue is deleted along with any messages in it. My consumer will also be
> > disconnected for some period of time while it reconnects and declares a
> new
> > queue & bindings, during which time any new messages will not be
> delivered.
> > Is that correct? If so, it seems like exclusive queues should not be
> used
> > for messages you don't want to lose?
> >
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