[rabbitmq-discuss] Possibilities of RabbitMq pluggin

De Jaeghere, Patrice PDJ PDEJAEGHERE at beckman.com
Thu Mar 27 11:05:17 GMT 2014

We are using Rabbitmq for a distributed architecture project  and we have 2 needs:

1)                  We need an atomic function that verifies if an echange exists, creates it if it doesn't exist but return false if it exists.  Can we implement this function with a RabbitMQ pluggin in erlang and can we call this function with the dotnet driver (or extension?)

2)                  Other need:  When a queue has not anymore consumers ,  and if this queue is not persistent , is-it  possible to develop a RabbitMQ pluggin which moves all messages of this queue in a dead-letter queue just before its deletion.

For us, the idea is to have an optimized implementation without to have to use a distributed mutex  or a centralized service (to lock the verification and creation )  for the first need and an external agent for the second need .

If somebody has a good background of rabbitmq pluggin , thanks you to tell us if it's possible.

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