[rabbitmq-discuss] rabbitmq webstomp ha-mode
Steve Flitcroft
steve.flitcroft at ivendi.com
Wed Mar 19 12:29:00 GMT 2014
I believe this is because webstomp creates exclusive queues which do not
get replicated regardless of policy. The issue is this means any non socket
client has to poll the exact node where their queue is located.
On Wednesday, 19 March 2014 11:04:48 UTC, Steve Flitcroft wrote:
> Having trouble getting the queues that are created via sockjs & webstomp
> being replicated across nodes.
> I have a policy set for any queues that start with amq to be replicated.
> You can see this here
> http://gyazo.com/b0e3fbac0d1a1d0baabc25c5f43499f0
> the amq.gen queue created by webstomp does not replicate to the other
> node, the queue I created called amqsteve does.
> The policy is
> http://gyazo.com/2ab0f414a83a529e3142d30988d003fe
> The result of this is that any non websocket browsers have to be routed to
> exactly the same node otherwise they get a 404 on the xhr_send method and
> lose connection. I can fix this by routing all non socket browsers to one
> node but this defeats the point of a cluster and load balancing.
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