[rabbitmq-discuss] Is there a formal AMQP compliance test suite (for developers of client libraries)?

Matthias Radestock matthias at rabbitmq.com
Fri Mar 14 08:29:19 GMT 2014

On 14/03/14 08:13, Michael Klishin wrote:
> 2014-03-14 11:50 GMT+04:00 Michael Justin <michael.justin at gmx.net
> <mailto:michael.justin at gmx.net>>:
>     AMQP 0.9.x and 1.0 however seem to be quite complex compared with
>     STOMP. I could start with a subset of the AMQP protocol (leaving out
>     optional parts of the specification), use existing unit tests for
>     RabbitMQ client libraries as a starting point, and test against
>     various AMQP implementations.
>     Maybe there is some testing code available on the web for the
>     automated verification of AMQP client standard compliance?
> Nothing that I'm aware of. Use client test suites, primarily RabbitMQ
> Java client and Bunny.

The OP is asking how to test a *client* for compliance.

There is no test suite available for AMQP clients. AMQP is a primarily 
client-driven protocol, i.e. stuff happens because the client did 
something. There is no portable way for a test suite to drive a client 
and make it do something since, by definition, clients are written in 
all kinds of different languages, make different choices as to what APIs 
to present to developers, etc


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