[rabbitmq-discuss] SimpleAmqpClient Channel usage

pkbasu pkbasu at gmail.com
Wed Mar 12 18:10:59 GMT 2014


here is the flow of my program -

1. Create a SimpleAmqpClient channel 
2. Consumer1 comes and created queues and bindings. 
3. BasicConsumeMessage is called on the channel, the one which consumes 
message for any open consumers
4. We are waiting now for any message to come in.
5. Consumer2 comes and tries to create queue and bindings.
6. Consumer2 hangs since the channel is busy in step 4

How do I make this work? Creating a separate channel for creating queues 
and bindings will not work since BasicConsumeMessage works only on 
consumers created by its own channel.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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