[rabbitmq-discuss] Beginner Question.

Michael Klishin mklishin at gopivotal.com
Wed Mar 12 06:48:53 GMT 2014

On 12 Mar 2014, at 10:41, ratheesh kannoth <ratheesh.ksz at gmail.com> wrote:

> 1. Suppose there is process X running along with rabbitMq server. X
> causes memory leak and linux oom killer
> picks randomly rabiitmq broker  and kills it.
> 2. Suppose process X  does an ioctl and mess with kernel. And causes
> kernel panic. Suppose node restart after panic.
> 3. Suppose i send  "Kill -9" to rabbitmq broker/
> How durable queues achieve  durability of messages in these scenarios-
> because these events are asynchronous to rabbit  mq and cannot run  a
> graceful shutdown on these cases. ?

Messages will be recovered on start. Because RabbitMQ will need to rebuild indexes,
it will take some time if there are many messages.

Also note that there is a short period of time (usually tens of ms) when newly received/routed messages will only
be stored in RAM. Abrupt shutdown at that moment will cause them to be lost.

> Suppose  i want to use rabbit mq for a commercial product  in which
> whole code base is on C. what do you suggest ?

Try librabbitmq-c, if you don’t like it, try MQTT and STOMP C clients. RabbitMQ is multi-protocol:


Software Engineer, Pivotal/RabbitMQ

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