[rabbitmq-discuss] Per message publish confirms

Matthias Radestock matthias at rabbitmq.com
Wed Mar 12 06:36:56 GMT 2014

On 11/03/14 22:37, Michael Klishin wrote:
> 2014-03-12 2:28 GMT+04:00 Ryan Brown <ryankbrown at gmail.com
> <mailto:ryankbrown at gmail.com>>:
>     Is it possible to set-up an exchange to not use publish confirms
>     but, if a given client sends a message that is of higher importance,
>     to specify a flag to require a publish confirm for that/those messages?
>     Essentially, I have an application that set-up on exchange with
>     default global flag for durable messaging. Due to perf issues, we
>     typically have this set to false. However, we now have a couple
>     clients of our application that would like to require publish confirms.
> Publisher confirms are per channels.
> Use a separate channel that has confirms enabled.

Also note that exchange durability

a) has zero impact on messaging performance - it only affects exchange 
and binding creation/deletion, and

b) has absolutely nothing to do with confirms


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