[rabbitmq-discuss] Configuring cluster rabbitMQ on EC2

rails stammailbox at gmail.com
Mon Mar 10 15:40:02 GMT 2014

I followed closely the rabbitmq clustering
documentation<https://www.rabbitmq.com/clustering.html>on the site but
failed for a full day to generate a cluster on EC2.
I frequently got "The nodes provided are either offline or not running"
(Though I had a telnet and my cookie was the same).

Eventually I solved it by recording the TCP communication (upon
join_cluster command) and reading it )

I saw that after the triple handshake when the first node connects to the
a packet contains a new port is transferred


So, I really don't know what it is but I tried to open it in my security
group (the firewall is down anyhow, but I need to update the port in EC2
Security Group)
and finally after a lot of trials it worked.

My questions :
1. What is this port.
2. Is it a random port? How do I set it so I can control it?
3. Was I missing it in the clustering
It is kinda important. I couldnt find any document related to the rabbitmq
clustering and this port.

4. I did find some stuff regarding clustering erlang.
<http://www.erlang.org/faq/how_do_i.html#id55090>and it mentioned
setting inet_dist_listen_min and inet_dist_listen_max. Is this it?
5. I need to set  it using

application:set_env(kernel, inet_dist_listen_min, 9100).
application:set_env(kernel, inet_dist_listen_max, 9105).

How do I run configure this lines?
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