[rabbitmq-discuss] exclusive auto delete queue disappears

Jason McIntosh mcintoshj at gmail.com
Fri Mar 7 17:46:32 GMT 2014

Is the cleanup of queues on the connection or channel?  If it's channel I'd
guess a channel close someplace.  If it's connection based though, wouldn't
all the queues go away, not just two?


On Fri, Mar 7, 2014 at 10:04 AM, Michael Klishin <
michael.s.klishin at gmail.com> wrote:

> 2014-03-07 19:37 GMT+04:00 Monish Unni <monish.unni at gmail.com>:
> every once in a while i see one or 2 of them suddenly disappear. i
>> have never seen anything like this before.
>> thus the question,  is it possible that a liveness connection from a
>> load-balancer can coz sweeps of queues.
>> (shouldn't be, coz the loadbalancer uses a different connection).
> I am not sure what "liveness connection" means but if your load balancer
> decides
> a TCP connection to RabbitMQ is stale and closes it, exclusive queues
> declared on it
> will be deleted.
> --
> MK
> http://github.com/michaelklishin
> http://twitter.com/michaelklishin
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Jason McIntosh
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