[rabbitmq-discuss] Federation chokes on load

Simon MacMullen simon at rabbitmq.com
Wed Mar 5 12:05:25 GMT 2014

Hi Patrik, thanks.

So this looks like federation is configured correctly and should be 
working normally. The downstream exchange only has a single binding to a 
single queue, with routing key "user.2". Are messages being published 
upstream with that key?

Cheers, Simon

On 04/03/14 22:06, Patrik Ring wrote:
> Rabbit version in use is: RabbitMQ 3.2.1, Erlang R14B04
> rabbitmqctl report on
> upstream: http://pastebin.com/PNqTziGk
> "slave" server: http://pastebin.com/4L6JFsiW
> *I have this in the exchanges list on the upstream:*
> federation: users -> rabbit at rabbit3.c.rabbit-magic.internal B
> <http://rabbit1:15672/#/exchanges/%2F/federation%3A%20users%20-%3E%20rabbit%40rabbit3.c.rabbit-magic.internal%20B>
> 	x-federation-upstream	ha-all	D AD I Args
> And this i the queues list:
> federation: users -> rabbit at rabbit3.c.rabbit-magic.internal
> <http://rabbit1:15672/#/queues/%2F/federation%3A%20users%20-%3E%20rabbit%40rabbit3.c.rabbit-magic.internal>
> 	rabbit at util1 +1 		Exp D Args
> *For the slave:*
> *
> *
> *Nothing.* Except on channels, where I find this:
> <rabbit at rabbit3.3.237.0> (1)
> <>
> federation
> Feel like we might be on to something?
> How do I set this up?
> As a side note: The queues and exchanges on the upstream might still be
> there since when we tried making it run both ways, not sure about this.
> We do however have the federation status on the SLAVE, and according to
> that it's up and running.
> Best regards
> Patrik Ring
> Co-founder and CTO of Bloglovin.com
> patrik.ring at bloglovin.com <mailto:patrik.ring at bloglovin.com>
> +46 730 59 78 14
> +1 347 859 7999
> On Tue, Mar 4, 2014 at 12:56 PM, Simon MacMullen <simon at rabbitmq.com
> <mailto:simon at rabbitmq.com>> wrote:
>     Hi Patrik.
>     On 03/03/14 21:41, Patrik Ring wrote:
>         Some messages come through (but are heavily delayed, as in
>         hours) but
>         they seem completely random.
>     That's definitely not right!
>     First of all, could you send the output of "rabbitmqctl report" for
>     each broker?
>     Also, which version of RabbitMQ are you using?
>     Secondly, you might want to investigate whether the underlying
>     infrastructure used by federation is wired up correctly. There
>     should be a queue for each (exchange, downstream) pairing declared
>     in the upstream broker (called "federation: [exchange] -> [node]").
>     It should be bound (once) to an internal exchange with a similar
>     name. That internal exchange should be bound to the upstream
>     exchange with all the bindings that are in use downstream.
>     Does it look like that is happening? Is the infrastructure queue
>     seeing the message rates you would expect?
>     Cheers, Simon
>     --
>     Simon MacMullen
>     RabbitMQ, Pivotal

Simon MacMullen
RabbitMQ, Pivotal

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