[rabbitmq-discuss] Subscribe queueName in RabbitMQ

Michael Klishin michael.s.klishin at gmail.com
Mon Mar 3 18:04:48 GMT 2014

2014-03-03 15:14 GMT+04:00 Кристина Лаптева <laptevakristi at gmail.com>:

> clusteringMessageBroker.Subscribe(
>                clusteringOutputQueueName, ProcessMessage,
> typeof(ClusteringOutputMessage));
> Thread.Sleep(380000);
> clusteringMessageBroker.Unsubscribe(clusteringOutputQueueName,
> ProcessMessage);

This code seems to be using a wrapper over the .NET client. If I understand
you correctly
you want to consume one message (subscribe and immediately unsubscribe)?
You should
use IModel#BasicGet then.


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