[rabbitmq-discuss] Lingering temporary queues in 3.2.3

Jeff jeff at jefftrout.com
Mon Mar 3 17:31:59 GMT 2014

So we upgraded to 3.2.3 recently and we noticed a ton of amq.gen queues being created, and they were marked durable and none had consumers and no messages. We’d clear them out and they’d trickle back in.

I was able to track this down to a bug in an application where it sent a message to a queue named “” (empty string). 
No error frame is returned, and the bad message is just dropped, but that queue remains.

Not sure if this is a bug in the stomp adaptor or elsewhere.  I

Here’s a small script to invoke it.

use Net::Stomp;
use Data::Dumper;

my $stomp = new Net::Stomp({ hostname => "rabbit", port => 61613 });

if(!$stomp->connect({ "login" => "guest", "passcode" => "guest" }))
	print "failed to connect\n";
	exit -1;
# reply to should be blank
$stomp->send({ "destination" => "", 
					body => "hi mom" });
# you now have an amq.gen queue that is durable sitting around with
# no message and no consumers.# you should now 
here’s some output:
root at fs2:~# rabbitmqctl list_queues | grep amq.gen
root at fs2:~# perl phantomq.pl
root at fs2:~# rabbitmqctl list_queues | grep amq.gen
amq.gen-EWgqTaiR-xL8bq_UumaXLg	0
root at fs2:~# curl -s -u indie:indie "http://fs2:15672/api/queues/%2F/amq.gen-EWgqTaiR-xL8bq_UumaXLg"
{"memory":14016,"messages":0,"messages_details":{"rate":0.0},"messages_ready":0,"messages_ready_details":{"rate":0.0},"messages_unacknowledged":0,"messages_unacknowledged_details":{"rate":0.0},"idle_since":"2014-03-03 12:26:37","policy":"ha-all","exclusive_consumer_tag":"","consumers":0,"slave_nodes":["rabbit at fs1"],"synchronised_slave_nodes":["rabbit at fs1"],"backing_queue_status":{"q1":0,"q2":0,"delta":["delta","undefined",0,"undefined"],"q3":0,"q4":0,"len":0,"pending_acks":0,"target_ram_count":"infinity","ram_msg_count":0,"ram_ack_count":0,"next_seq_id":0,"persistent_count":0,"avg_ingress_rate":0.0,"avg_egress_rate":0.0,"avg_ack_ingress_rate":0.0,"avg_ack_egress_rate":0.0,"mirror_seen":0,"mirror_senders":0},"status":"running","incoming":[],"deliveries":[],"consumer_details":[],"name":"amq.gen-EWgqTaiR-xL8bq_UumaXLg","vhost":"/","durable":true,"auto_delete":false,"arguments":{},"node":"rabbit at fs2"}

Jeff Trout <jeff at jefftrout.com>

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