[rabbitmq-discuss] Unable to establish MQTT plugin in rabbitmq version : 3.1.3.
Michael Klishin
mklishin at gopivotal.com
Mon Jun 30 09:53:01 BST 2014
On 30 June 2014 at 11:42:03, Ankur5 C (ankur5.c at tcs.com) wrote:
> > Just wanted to know of any update on using PAHO for RabbitMQ MQTT
> over SSL ?
It works just like Paho Python and Ruby clients.
Here's my basic example:
I generated a CA, client and server key/certificate using https://github.com/ruby-amqp/tls-gen
and PASSWORD=bunnies, imported them into a Java key store with
keytool -importcert -alias rmq-server -file /path/to/result/server_certificate.pem -keystore /path/to/result/jvm_keystore
rabbitmq.config (/path/to/result above for me is "/Users/antares/Tools/rabbitmq/tls")
and voilà:
=INFO REPORT==== 30-Jun-2014::12:46:44 ===
accepting MQTT connection ( ->
Staff Software Engineer, Pivotal/RabbitMQ
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