[rabbitmq-discuss] How close all open connections/channels

Michael Klishin mklishin at gopivotal.com
Thu Jun 26 04:41:06 BST 2014

On 25 June 2014 at 23:27:17, cw storm (cwstorm at gmail.com) wrote:
> > I was hoping to use "channel.basicCancel" but that's not going 
> to work since I'm establishing a new conn/channel.

Sorry, why do you expect basic.cancel to close connections? It cancels
consumers (terminates subscriptions, if you will) and does not affect
connections in any way.

> So, I guess I have to fully rely on the HTTP API method in order to 
> easily close all connections that I'm interested in? The goal 
> is to provide operation support to easily close all connections/channels 
> for a mask of consumers. Today, he/she uses the rabbitmq console 
> to force the close connection.

HTTP API was created for the cases like yours. rabbitmqctl can work just as well
but I find parsing standard output to be a more fragile solution than parsing a JSON response.

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