[rabbitmq-discuss] Unable to create exchange / queue binding

Daniel W. Burke dburke at addictmud.org
Tue Jun 24 19:57:22 BST 2014

While experimenting, I just found that deleting the virtual host and
recreating it fixed the problem.

It's still not ideal in a production scenario :(  but I suppose its more
manageable than bringing down the whole cluster...

On Tue, Jun 24, 2014 at 12:12 PM, Daniel W. Burke <dburke at addictmud.org>

> I just realized my last two messages went to Simon directly instead of to
> the mailing list... my mistake...
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Daniel W. Burke <dburke at addictmud.org>
> Date: Tue, Jun 24, 2014 at 12:10 PM
> Subject: Re: [rabbitmq-discuss] Unable to create exchange / queue binding
> To: Simon MacMullen <simon at rabbitmq.com>
> We have this happening again in our dev environment.  This is alarming, as
> we're going to go live with rabbitmq in production in two days (with four
> clusters of three nodes each), and so far the only way we know to get past
> it is to down the entire cluster.
> Nothing is showing up in the logs for the error, so I don't have any
> additional information to provide.  We'll leave it as-is for as long as
> possible in the hopes that someone can provide some commands to help
> troubleshoot, since its not currently preventing anyone from working.
> Help!
> Thanks,
> Dan.
> On Wed, Jun 18, 2014 at 6:13 AM, Daniel W. Burke <dburke at addictmud.org>
> wrote:
>> That does not seem like the case to me. All three nodes in the cluster
>> had been up a few days, and queues are mirrored to all nodes in the cluster.
>> Another potential item of note is that the nodes were restarted last to
>> upgrade from 3.3.1 to 3.3.2.  They were restarted one at a time instead of
>> bringing the whole cluster down.
>> Also, logging seemed to have been stopped until the entire cluster was
>> brought down to fix this error, but I see there's a related fix to that in
>> 3.3.3 now.
>> Dan.
>>  On Jun 18, 2014 4:54 AM, "Simon MacMullen" <simon at rabbitmq.com> wrote:
>>> On 17/06/2014 19:03, Daniel W. Burke wrote:
>>>> NOT_FOUND - no binding BINDING_NAME between exchange 'amq.direct' in
>>>> vhost 'MYVHOST' and queue 'QUEUENAME' in vhost 'MYVHOST'
>>>> This should be a binding that already exists, but for this queue it
>>>> doesn't.  When trying to create it from the management UI we get the
>>>> error (or from the http api)... if we change just one character in the
>>>> routing key it works... that's not what we want, but it tells me there's
>>>> something deeper wrong.
>>> This message means that you are trying to create an already known
>>> binding to a queue whih is currently down (i.e. unmirrored and on a down
>>> node, or mirrored but only to a ste of nodes all of which are down).
>>> Does that sound like what's happening?
>>> Cheers, Simon
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