[rabbitmq-discuss] rabbitmqadmin fails when trying to get message from a queue

Simon MacMullen simon at rabbitmq.com
Mon Jun 16 10:29:23 BST 2014

On 16/06/2014 9:24AM, Jharna Sharma wrote:
> returns this error message
> *** {u'key_missing': u'encoding'}
> What is the solution to this problem..??

That's a bug in ancient versions of rabbitmqadmin. You need to use 
rabbitmqadmin from RabbitMQ 2.8.0 or later.

If you can't easily upgrade your server, you can get the latest 
rabbitmqadmin from:


Of course you'll need to specify --port 55672 when connecting to 2.x 

> And does fetching messages like this will delete them from the queue..??

Depends on the value of the "requeue" parameter.

Cheers, Simon

Simon MacMullen
RabbitMQ, Pivotal

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