[rabbitmq-discuss] Web-STOMP plugin - Authentication with SSL Client Certificates

Andrei A andrei002 at gmail.com
Fri Jun 13 16:06:58 BST 2014

Hi everybody!

I have a small question regarding the Web-STOMP plugin:
I've noticed that on the plugin page it's stated that
"RabbitMQ-Web-Stomp is fully compatible with the RabbitMQ-STOMP plugin, 
with the exception of STOMP heartbeats."

Thus, I wanted to ask whether the Web-STOMP plugin supports "Authentication 
with SSL Client Certificates", as described in the corresponding section of 
the STOMP plugin description here http://www.rabbitmq.com/stomp.html

and if it does, which parameters should be specified in the 
rabbitmq.config,  as well as in the client JS code in order to enable 
authentication by a username specified in the Common Name field of the 
client certificate, instead of supplying the username/password in the 
client JS code.

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