[rabbitmq-discuss] Pressured to move to AMQP 1.0

Gordon Sim gsim at redhat.com
Thu Jun 5 13:00:10 BST 2014

On 06/05/2014 12:15 AM, Michael Watson wrote:
> "AMQP 1.0 is the standard.  It's ISO/IEC 19464 and we're chartered with
> using industry standards."  I can argue that 0.9.1, which has strong
> support from a massive community, is the de facto standard, but
> "ISO/IEC" are hard TLAs to ignore.

In my opinion, as far as protocols go, what matters most is the extent 
of support and the level of interoperability.

That's what makes TCP/IP (or HTTP,further up the stack) an industry 
standard - everyone supports it.

I would argue that support for AMQP 1.0 is at least growing. It is 
unlikely that the earlier iterations of the protocol see new 
implementations, particularly on the broker side.

So 0.9.1 is to all intents and purposes the RabbitMQ protocol (much like 
0-10 is just a Qpid protocol, or OpenWire is just an ActiveMQ protocol).

If interoperability and choice is a consideration (and I'd certainly 
accept they aren't in every case) then AMQP 1.0, STOMP and MQTT are 
better choices as they are supported by more than one broker 
implementation (including RabbitMQ).


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