[rabbitmq-discuss] Understanding Basic Get and Consume

Thomas Mutton tmutton1 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 5 10:32:49 BST 2014

(Using a Windows installations only)

I have two brokers set up in a federation.

Using the RabbitMQ .NET library, I am able to publish and consume messages 
from and to either end respectively. This works.

Dropping out of .NET, I am attempting to consume a message via command line 
(rabbitmqadmin script). The call I'm using is *get*.

>From what I understand (looking into the docs), this is a synchronous call 
- so it's a call from the client to the broker. What happens when the 
command gets to the broker is *broker A* asks *broker B* for any messages 
(using the *upstream*). Messages (if any) then get passed to *broker A* 
from *broker B*. This all happens asynchronously. My question is: Is there 
an asynchronous call I can make from the command line to get a message over 
a federation like the one described above? I have heard about consume but 
have not seen any examples and according to the rabbitmqadmin script, it 
does not recognise it.

My second question is: Given that *get *is synchronous and *consume *is 
asynchronous, what is going on under the hood? Where is the difference? Are 
they both calls to the broker but consume waits for a response?


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