[rabbitmq-discuss] Java example code for the header exchange

Howard howard at renci.org
Tue Jun 3 18:20:38 BST 2014

Hi all

I am doing a project with RabbitMQ in java and we have decided to use a 
headers exchange. I downloaded the tutorials from 
https://github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-tutorials but I didn't see one for 
how to use the header exchange in the java directory.  No problem, I 
googled  around a bit and adapted the topic exchange tutorials to use a 
headers exchange. I've cleaned these up, and thought it might be worth 
the time for someone to add these to the existing tutorial directory.  
Any suggestions on who to contact to see if that is a possibility?

Howard Lander <mailto:howard at renci.org>
Senior Research Software Developer
Renaissance Computing Institute (RENCI) <http://www.renci.org>
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Duke University
North Carolina State University
100 Europa Drive
Suite 540
Chapel Hill, NC 27517
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