[rabbitmq-discuss] Create an encrypted SSL connection without having to verify certificate

Ankur5 C ankur5.c at tcs.com
Thu Jul 31 06:32:54 BST 2014


The example given in https://www.rabbitmq.com/ssl.html for connecting a 
TLS port 5671 is not working.

 accepting AMQP connection <0.231.0> (   ->
 =ERROR REPORT==== 30-Jul-2014::17:53:07 
 error on AMQP connection <0.231.0>:

In one of the solution you said "somehow end up connecting with a non-TLS 
client on the TLS port. "

So the example in https://www.rabbitmq.com/ssl.html for "Connecting 
without validating certificates", what is that? Is it a non TLS client? 
How to make it TLS?
I simply need to execute the java code right ? Or something more I have to 

Please suggest how to resolve this.

Thanks and Regards,
Ankur Chakraborty
Tata Consultancy Services
Mailto: ankur5.c at tcs.com
Website: http://www.tcs.com
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