[rabbitmq-discuss] Error connecting an SSL port in Rabbitmq without validating certificates

Ankur5 C ankur5.c at tcs.com
Thu Jul 31 06:16:02 BST 2014


I am trying to connect rabbitmq over the ssl port but I am getting :

accepting AMQP connection <0.231.0> ( ->

=ERROR REPORT==== 30-Jul-2014::17:53:07 ===
error on AMQP connection <0.231.0>:

My config file is :

[{rabbit,        [{tcp_listeners,    [5672]},{ssl_listeners, [5671]},

I am using the example https://www.rabbitmq.com/ssl.html , Connecting
without validating certificates.

Can you help me in this regard? Is there something which I am missing?

Thanks and Regards,
Ankur Chakraborty

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