[rabbitmq-discuss] New Installation Rabbit MQ 3.3.4 with erl6.0

Michael Klishin mklishin at gopivotal.com
Thu Jul 24 12:35:54 BST 2014

On 24 July 2014 at 15:26:54, Michael Klishin (michael at rabbitmq.com) wrote:
> > The link 404s for me.

Apparently opening the entire thread on Nable helps:

You already have a RabbitMQ node running on the host. You can either shut down
the existing node (e.g. the Windows service) or run another with with a different
config file and different nodename/ports.

See http://rabbitmq.com/configure.html.

RABBITMQ_NODE_PORT (this is the port clients will connect to), RABBITMQ_DIST_PORT,
and RABBITMQ_NODENAME are of particular interest. 

Staff Software Engineer, Pivotal/RabbitMQ

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