[rabbitmq-discuss] MQTT login failed for "guest" access_refused even after mentioning loopback_users

Ankur5 C ankur5.c at tcs.com
Fri Jul 18 11:32:57 BST 2014

ok , great i will use guest as default user and pass.

This is my rabbit config file :

[{rabbit,        [{tcp_listeners,    [5672]},{ssl_listeners, [5671]}, 
 {rabbitmq_mqtt, [{default_user,     <<"guest">>},
                  {default_pass,     <<"guest">>},
                  {allow_anonymous,  true},
                  {vhost,            <<"/">>},
                  {subscription_ttl, 1800000},
                  {prefetch,         10},
                  {ssl_listeners,    [8883]},
                  {tcp_listeners,    [1883]},
                  {tcp_listen_options, [binary,
                                        {packet,    raw},
                                        {reuseaddr, true},
                                        {backlog,   128},
                                        {nodelay,   true}]}]}

Please let me know where should I provide the loopback_users ?

Ankur Chakraborty
Tata Consultancy Services
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Salt Lake Electronics Complex
Kolkata - 700091,West Bengal
Ph:- +913366367304
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Mailto: ankur5.c at tcs.com
Website: http://www.tcs.com
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From:   Michael Klishin <mklishin at gopivotal.com>
To:     Ankur5 C <ankur5.c at tcs.com>
Cc:     Legacy list about RabbitMQ <rabbitmq-discuss at lists.rabbitmq.com>
Date:   18-07-2014 15:22
Subject:        Re: [rabbitmq-discuss] MQTT login failed for "guest" 
access_refused even after mentioning loopback_users

 On 18 July 2014 at 13:43:32, Ankur5 C (ankur5.c at tcs.com) wrote:
> > Also sharing my client code : Do I need to use any user name and 
> password
> at the client end?

You can configure MQTT plugin to not perform authentication as 
is optional in MQTT:

If you ask me, this is a terrible MQTT feature (and in fact
I know that some MQTT-based services reject unauthenticated clients).
But if you use default_user and default_pass, you do not need to provide
any credentials. That's why default_user/default_pass are there.

Again, this is pretty clearly documented in 

Staff Software Engineer, Pivotal/RabbitMQ

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