[rabbitmq-discuss] Docs on rabbitmq install for OS X - /etc/hosts file change

Jason McIntosh mcintoshj at gmail.com
Wed Jul 9 05:50:31 BST 2014

Was working on getting RabbitMQ on my local mac (vs. a vm linux machine)
and hit one error:
ERROR: epmd error for host Jasons-iMac: timeout (timed out)

The docs don't state it, but the /etc/hosts file should have an entry: localhost Jasons-iMac
or you'll get the above error.  A simple command that can be executed to
add this is:
sudo sudo sed -i '/^ s/$/ '`hostname`' '`hostname -s`'/'

This will on the line starting with add the hostname and the
short hostname.  Of course there are other options on this, but this is a
simple way to get things running.


Jason McIntosh
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