[rabbitmq-discuss] .NET API - Using PublishConfirms to get Reliability

Matthias Radestock matthias at rabbitmq.com
Wed Feb 26 07:36:43 GMT 2014

On 26/02/14 07:10, Michael Klishin wrote:
> On 26 Feb 2014, at 09:07, martywaz <marty.wasznicky at neudesic.com> wrote:
>> Rabbit MQ is losing a few messages if both servers in the cluster are shut down.
> If you shut down your entire cluster, may I ask what you expectations are?
> There are messages “in flight” the server hasn’t received yet. They will be
> lost with any product,

The crucial question is whether any messages that the publisher has 
received a confirmation for are lost. Obviously if the cluster is never 
restarted then any enqueued messages are lost. And, similarly, any 
non-persistent enqueued messages would be lost even in the restart. But, 
assuming the cluster comes back up, any persistent messages that have 
been confirmed to the publisher should still be there / get delivered to 


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