[rabbitmq-discuss] ACKs getting lost

Michael Klishin mklishin at gopivotal.com
Sat Feb 22 00:26:16 GMT 2014

On 22 Feb 2014, at 04:20, Michael Collins <Michael.Collins at neudesic.com> wrote:

> Can anyone suggest ideas for diagnosing what the issue is or how to figure out where the ACKs are getting lost?

You seem to be talking about publisher confirms *and* delivery acks at the same time. Do you actually use both?
They are *not* related to each other.

Have you tried running protocol tracer [1] or Wireshark to see what’s coming down the wire?
The issue you are seeing can be an unsynchronized concurrent updates issue. Inspecting
protocol methods will make it clear what RabbitMQ sends.

1. http://www.rabbitmq.com/api-guide.html#tracer


Software Engineer, Pivotal/RabbitMQ

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