[rabbitmq-discuss] How to grant only read access to a specific STOMP queue?

Joshua Lim joshua__lim at hotmail.com
Fri Feb 21 03:09:03 GMT 2014

I'm trying to grant a user read access to a particular STOMP queue, e.g. destination:/queue/testqueue.  The user will also need to be able to subscribe to the queue - in order to receive messages sent to that queue.
I came across a similar thread - http://lists.rabbitmq.com/pipermail/rabbitmq-discuss/2012-May/020100.html and found out that write access is also required to subscribe to a queue.
Using the suggestion provided, I'm able to grant a user read access to all queues and maybe topics using the following command:
> rabbitmqctl set_permissions guest ".*" "^amq.gen.*$" ".*"

However, I've not able to grant access only to a specific queue.
I've tried the following, they don't appear to work:
> rabbitmqctl set_permissions guest ".*" "testqueue" ".*"
neither does:
> rabbitmqctl set_permissions guest "testqueue" ".*" ".*"

Error:ERROR message:access_refused content-type:text/plain version:1.0,1.1,1.2 content-length:104 content-length:104 ACCESS_REFUSED - access to queue 'amq.gen-ZIVxrP62SnRh1muHA_lg6Q' in vhost '/' refused for user 'guest' 

Is there a way to grant a user read permission to only a specific queue?  I would greatly appreciate any pointers.

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