[rabbitmq-discuss] Duplicate exchange detection

Simon MacMullen simon at rabbitmq.com
Wed Feb 19 10:58:14 GMT 2014

On 18/02/14 18:24, pkbasu wrote:
> Thanks Simon. Let's say that exchange federation is setup. How does it work
> now? In the regular federation case exchange1 in broker1 and exchange2 in
> broker2 are federated and messages sent to exchange1 gets sent to exchange2.
> But in this case, there is only one exchange, "exchange.john" which is in
> broker1.

If exchange federation is set up then declaring the exchange on broker1 
causes it to be replicated on broker2.

What are you really trying to find out here? What problem are you trying 
to solve?

Cheers, Simon

Simon MacMullen
RabbitMQ, Pivotal

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