[rabbitmq-discuss] RabbitMQ : Management plugin crash server at startup

Simon MacMullen simon at rabbitmq.com
Thu Feb 13 07:23:24 GMT 2014

On 13/02/2014 01:15, SamirG wrote:
> Log files (may contain more information):
>     /Local/AS/Logs/rabbitmq-server/broker2.log
>     /Local/AS/Logs/rabbitmq-server/broker2-sasl.log

Do they? In particular there might be more information about what was 

Also: it's not very clear from the email thread to date, but it looked 
like you might be saying that the plugins directory *only* contains 
plugins with "management" in the name. That won't work; there are 
dependencies that would be missing if you did that.

Cheers, Simon

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