[rabbitmq-discuss] Callback - handleDelivery

Michael Klishin mklishin at gopivotal.com
Fri Feb 7 17:32:23 GMT 2014

On 7 Feb 2014, at 21:28, cw storm <cwstorm at gmail.com> wrote:

> Based on your explaination, I have to ensure that the object is threaded because that's how the message is being dispatched to the client application.

Not “threaded”, just not null in all threads.

>  The the object that I'm using isn't thread supported, then that'll explain the NPE(NullPointerException) within the "handleDelivery", right?

That’s just one possible reason. In any case, that’s an NPE in your own code.


Software Engineer, Pivotal/RabbitMQ

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