[rabbitmq-discuss] Support for Delphi 2007

James Dempster jamesjdempster at gmail.com
Wed Feb 5 01:48:12 GMT 2014


I'm currently using HabariClient-1.6 with indy 10.5.8 developing on Delphi
2007.  What I have been noticing is that sometimes I create my session,
then my Producer, send my message via the Producer but get an exception
'Not connected! Command: SEND'.  So it thinks it's not connected.  This
doesn't happen all of the time, only when there is a lot of messages at

So I'm thinking its either the version of Indy I am using or as it states
here on  your web site, http://www.habarisoft.com/habari_rabbitmq.html ,
"For usage with non-Unicode versions (Delphi 6 to 2007) please contact us."
The version of the client I should be using?

So was hoping you might be able to help me in which versions I should be
using please.


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