[rabbitmq-discuss] sensu rabbitmq check triggering a SSL exception

Mariano González gonzalez.mariano.gabriel at gmail.com
Tue Feb 4 20:17:16 GMT 2014

Hi there!

I'm trying to add a sensu check 
but it's triggering the following error:

[root at server plugins]# ./rabbitmq-amqp-alive.rb -w rabbitmq_host -p my_pass 
-P 5671 -u my_user -v my_vhost

W, [2014-02-04T19:10:19.827147 #4555]  WARN -- #<Bunny::Session:11666480 my_user at rabbitmq_host:5671, vhost=my_vhost>:         Using TLS but no client certificate is provided! If RabbitMQ is configured to verify peer
        certificate, connection upgrade will fail!

Looks like there's some kind of SSL error, but I cannot figure it out.

Here's my rabbitmq config: https://gist.github.com/Mariano-gon/8811478.

Any advice will be really appreciated.

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