[rabbitmq-discuss] Possible memory leak in the management plugin

Pavel pmaisenovich at blizzard.com
Thu Apr 10 06:03:57 BST 2014

Thanks for answers, Simon! Now everything makes much more sense!

Here is the program I used (requires com.rabbitmq:amqp-client:3.3.0 in

Running it with "1000 0 10000" params (1K channels, no delay on publish, 10K
iterations) blows my Rabbit's RAM to 4G (high watermark) quick, then
publishing channels become blocked and Rabbit struggles to free up some
memory. As you suggested, with {force_fine_statistics,false} Rabbit was able
to survive the same test, stabilizing around 2Gb mark with most RAM taken by
connection_stats and queue_procs. So it is certainly a working option,
although at the cost of reduced visibility.

It's worth noting, that in my test publish rate was around 80K/s, which
generates huge flood of channel_stats events and like you said, kind of
expected to crash management plugin. However the incident we had in
production happened under much lower publish rate (we believe), so it still
leaves uncertainty about the exact cause. 

Then I added a modification to the test - every time message is published to
a random exchange (instead of publishing 1000 messages to each exchange
sequentially). This produced an interesting result: rabbit_mgmt_db process
was GCed properly and remained at stable memory use. However
aggregated_stats table kept growing in size until all RAM (up to a high
watermark) was taken.

For example, {process_info(rabbit_mgmt_db, memory),ETS sizes} went from 


at one point to this some time later:


Note, that number of items for (5754973) didn't change, but the size almost
doubled. I was trying to understand "Event-GCing" portion of 
, but that's beyond me at the moment. Could you please describe in a few
words, how and when aggregated_stats supposed to be cleaned up? 

Also, from your earlier reply it sounds like closing and reopening channels
(sometimes) would help to keep mgmt_db from expanding. Is this something
generally recommended to do (short-live vs long-live channels)? 


View this message in context: http://rabbitmq.1065348.n5.nabble.com/Possible-memory-leak-in-the-management-plugin-tp27414p34725.html
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