[rabbitmq-discuss] 3.3.0

Dmitry Andrianov dmitry.andrianov at alertme.com
Sun Apr 6 12:18:12 BST 2014

It looks like one of our RabbitMQ plugins stopped working after we 
upgraded to 3.0.0.
Of course it can be that we are doing something wrong, I do not know any 
details yet, just wanted to check if there is a known change I should be 
aware of.

The plugin that stopped working was hooking into the events to do its 
stuff when new exchange is created.

-export([init/1, handle_call/2, handle_event/2, handle_info/2,
          terminate/2, code_change/3]).

handle_event(Event = #event{type = exchange_created, props = [{name, 
ExchangeName = #resource{}} | _]},
              State) ->

     rabbit_log:info("handle_event (Event=~p, State=~p)~n", [Event, State]),

the INFO which used to appear in the log for 3.1.1 to 3.2.3 does not 
appear anymore.
I downgraded for now until I have time to debug it properly.


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