[rabbitmq-discuss] problem with increasing response times

Gary Russell grussell at gopivotal.com
Sun Sep 29 21:47:59 BST 2013

By default, the RabbitTemplate.*sendAndReceive() operations create a
temporary reply queue for each request. This is not particularly efficient
for high volume situations.

Consider using a fixed reply queue in these situations.


On Sun, Sep 29, 2013 at 4:24 PM, tgv amni <tgvt53 at gmail.com> wrote:

> We are new to rabbitMQ. We use rabbitmq 3.1.5 in our test
> environment. This is installed on a red hat linux server (6.4), the same
> server where our application is also running. The database (postgresql) is
> on a separate server.
> We are using rabbitMQ default configuration.
> I ran a test where concurrent users post to a rest service (say R). This
> service basically expects  two UUIDs (UUID_A and UUID_B), that identify
> two database entities  A and B. Once the service is called with these two
> values, it publishes to the default exchange.
> There are two durable queues bound to this exchange. QueueA and QueueB.
> Two services,  Service A and Service B, each listen on QueueA and QueueB
> respectively.  There are no other consumers to these queues. Service A
> picks up the message and validates  UUID_A exists in the database.
> Service B validates UUID_B exists. If they are both valid, an entry is made
> to the db, mapping these two values. So each valid post results in an entry
> in a table in the db.
> I find as the test progresses, response  time of this post increases.  A
> lot of the time is being spent in  Unsafe.park (boolean,long)  in
> sun.misc package.
> Here is the call stack that shows classes where this Unsafe.park() is
> being involved from. It appears to be called from spring framework’s
> RabbitTemplate class.
> Unsafe.park
>  LockSupportparkNanos(Object,Long)
>   * **AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject.awaitNanos(long)*
>      ArrayBlockingQueue.poll(long, TimeUnit)
>         RabbitTemplate$3.doInRabbit(Channel)
>            RabbitTemplate$3.doInRabbit(Channel)
> RabbitTemplate.execute(ChannelCallback)
>   * **RabbitTemplate.doSendAndReceiveWithTemporary(String,String,Message)*
>       RabbitTemplate.doSendAndReceive(String,String,Message)
>          RabbitTemplate.convertSendAndReceive(String,String,Object,
> MessagePostProcessor)
> RabbitTemplate.convertSendAndReceive(String,Object)
> As the test progresses where the load increases from 50 users to 200 users
> over a period of 20 mins, this response time increases from 50 ms to almost
> 2 seconds. 99% of the response time is spent in Unsafe.park (waiting).  At
> the end of 20 mins, roughly 100,000 entries are made into the db.That is
> roughly 83 Posts (i.e messages) per second. Each message contains a couple
> of UUIDs and a couple of dates. There is no other activity on this server.
> Why is there so mcuh time being spent in Unsafe.park() ? It looks like
> there is a wait for some resource lock. How can we reduce this wait ?
> Overall CPU is about 40-45% on this box (a 12 core server). 2/3rds of this
> time is being spent in the rabbitMQ server.
> Is there a plug-in to monitor cpu usage on the server? How can we
> determine where time is being spent within the broker ?
> Thanks,
> tgv
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