[rabbitmq-discuss] RabbitMQ - unable to consume unfinished messages?

Emile Joubert emile at rabbitmq.com
Wed Oct 23 09:24:24 BST 2013

On 23/10/13 08:21, Rajasekhar P wrote:
> when one of the consumer [ex.Consumer2] received "Message2" then
> am not sending acknowledgement back to the server.  In this case as per
> the documentation other consumer[Consumer1] has to consume
> message[Message2] from the server right? But, Its not happening,

The unacknowledged messages held by Consumer2 will be returned to the
queue once the channel (or connection) closes or when the unacknowledged
messages are explicitly requeued by Consumer2. When that happens the
messages will become eligible for redelivery to Consumer1.

Also see the second tutorial for further discussion on this topic:


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