[rabbitmq-discuss] other transports besides TCP

Simon MacMullen simon at rabbitmq.com
Tue Oct 15 10:08:36 BST 2013


I compiled your code and it works for me. I had to provide the address 
and port for the DatagramPacket, so you probably want to make sure those 
are correct. Also make sure the packet is not being eaten by a firewall.

Cheers, Simon

On 15/10/2013 09:25, Jorg Eloy wrote:
> Hi Simon,
> Thanks for your reply, let me said that when I sent messages using UDP,
> these messages are bounded to the queue in the channel with this line of
> code:
> /channel.queueBind(q1, xnameRaw, "#");/
> When I'm using Wireshark, I can view these messages arriving to the
> broker but they didn't reach to the exchange.
> Why I'm using UDP instead of TCP is because I'm tried with AMQP to work
> with sensors and servers,
> where sensors enqueue messages using UDP due to the typical sensor data
> is redundant an some loss can be tolerated
> and the servers receive these messages using a channel protocol over
> TCP, The servers might use TCP to transport messages reliably.
> Thanks again.
> PD. Here I put some important lines of the code that I'm using actually
> to do this task.
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> /    String xnameRaw = "UDP raw exchage for testing";
>      String xtype = "x-udp";
>      ConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory();
>      Connection connection = factory.newConnection();
>      Channel    channel = connection.createChannel();
>      factory.setHost(BROKERMQ);
>          factory.setUsername("guest");
>          factory.setPassword("guest");
>      factory.setPort(PORT);
>      Map<String, Object> declArgs = new HashMap<String, Object>();
>      declArgs.put("ip", "");
>      declArgs.put("port", (short) PORT);
>      channel.exchangeDeclare(xnameRaw, xtype, false, false, false,
> declArgs);
>      String q1 = channel.queueDeclare().getQueue();
>      channel.queueBind(q1, xnameRaw, "#");
>      DatagramSocket u2 = new DatagramSocket();
>      DatagraPacket pOutRaw = new DatagramPacket(message, message.length,
> address, PORT);
>      u2.send(pOutRaw);
>      channel.basicPublish(xnameRaw, routingKey, null, message);/
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 2013/10/11 Simon MacMullen <simon at rabbitmq.com <mailto:simon at rabbitmq.com>>
>     I'm afraid your message doesn't really give us much to go on, other
>     than "it doesn't work".
>     I suggest you try to break the problem down: when you send a UDP
>     packet, can you see it reach the broker in wireshark? Can you see it
>     go into a queue (bound to the UDP exchange with "#") in the
>     management plugin? And so on.
>     Also, out of interest, why do you want to use UDP instead of TCP?
>     Cheers, Simon
>     On 11/10/2013 10:27AM, Jorg Eloy wrote:
>         Hi all,
>         I'm looking another transport for AMQP in place of TCP,
>         Nowadays, I'm trying work with UPD exchange of tonyg
>         [https://github.com/tonyg/udp-__exchange
>         <https://github.com/tonyg/udp-exchange>], with the plugin to
>         rabbitmq, to
>         get a similar scenario with publishers, consumers, queues and
>         exchanges,
>         But I can't get it.
>         My actual situation is that:
>         I send messages from the publisher to the exchange and these
>         messages
>         are not published, I can view in the web management tool how the
>         delivery rate in the exchange is altered,
>         I'm using basicPublish to publish the messages and
>         QueueingConsumer to
>         consume the messages, Also DatagramSockets and DatagramPackets
>         to send
>         and receive by UDP.
>         But as I said before, these messages are don't received in the
>         consumer.
>         Including that I use the same routing keys in the messages and when
>         I try sending messages directly to the queue created for the
>         consumer,
>         these messages arrive successfully
>         Can someone know what is the error?
>         Thanks in advance.
>     --
>     Simon MacMullen
>     RabbitMQ, Pivotal

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