[rabbitmq-discuss] if stop RabbitMq Server Service, the Server try to create 'queues' folder ?

Michael Klishin michael at rabbitmq.com
Thu Oct 10 09:12:40 BST 2013

On Oct 10, 2013, at 6:54 AM, 3k4b251 <314992959 at qq.com> wrote:

> 1) Yes,  I  try to  create  durable queue  for  every consumer ,  So   if  
> possible  I'd like  to   create  server million  queues.

I'm afraid millions of durable queues will put quite a bit of stress on the broker
during startup and, potentially, operation. Certainly RAM usage can't be low
with millions of entities to keep around.

> 2)what's your mean about rabbitmqctl report?  list_queues, list_connections?  
> or status? 

Run rabbitmqctl report and post the output.


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